Standing Resolutions 2022 - Valentine Mens Probus Club

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Standing Resolutions 2022



1. MANAGEMENT                 Adopted: 22nd March 2004
(a) The Club shall be managed by a Management Committee, hereinafter called “the committee”,
comprising of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and sufficient committee members
to be responsible for Tours and Visits, Entertainment, Programs, Membership, Fellowship, Publicity,
Club Bulletin and such other activities as may be decided from time to time by the Club. The
Immediate Past President shall be a member, ex officio, of the committee.

2. MEETINGS                        Adopted: 22nd March 2004
(a) The Club shall meet monthly on the fourth Monday of each month.
(b) The Club may meet at another time, on another day, or at another venue by decision of the
committee members.

3. MEMBERSHIP                   Adopted: 26th March 2007
(a) The maximum membership of the Club shall be 60 as determined at the Annual General Meeting
held on 26 March 2007.
(b) There shall not be more than two Honorary Members at any one time.
(c) There shall not be more than two Life Members at one time.

4. SUBSCRIPTIONS               Adopted: 27th March 2017
(a) The subscription payable by members is $50 per annum, as determined at the Annual General
Meeting held on 27th March 2017 for renewing and new members as from 1/4/17. However, for the
year commencing 1/4/17, the fee for renewing members will be discounted by $10, making the
renewal fee $40.
(b) The joining fee payable by a member on admission to the Club is $15, as determined at the Annual
General Meeting held on 24th March 2014, and such fee shall include the cost of a name badge for
each member.
(c) Visitors to the Club termed "prospective members" shall be limited to three visits without cost to
them or their sponsor, and the Club will carry morning tea costs applicable.

5. AMENDMENTS                   Adopted: 23rd July 2007
(a) These Standing Resolutions (other than those determined at an Annual General Meeting) may be
amended at a general meeting of the Club, a quorum being present, by the affirmative vote of not
less than three-quarters of the members present and voting, notice or such proposed amendment
having been published to all members at least twenty-one days before such meeting.

6. FINANCE                             Adopted: 26th May 2014
(a) The treasurer and any authorised signatories to the Club account can use the Electronic Funds
Transfer (EFT) banking system for Club accounts and transact any other banking.
(b) The Management Committee shall annually include a budget allocation for payment of
NON-MEMBER fees and authorise the Treasurer to remit their fees calculated as of
31st December to Probus Centre South Pacific on behalf of the club.
(c) The definition of a NON-MEMBER of this Club is a person who does not meet one of the following
Member of any Probus Club or Probus Association; honorary members; life members; carer of a
member; prospective member; voluntary committee person or voluntary worker; guest speakers;
participants in any organised or officially recognised activity of an accredited Probus Club or Probus
Association.(d) NON-MEMBERS may attend a maximum of six Club activities in a financial year before insurance
fees become payable.

7. PUBLIC OFFICER               Adopted: 22nd June 2015
Brian Sullivan is confirmed as the current Public Officer.

8. FEES FOR 2022 – 2023       Adopted: 26th April 2022
As a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Club was unable to provide the following services, which
were included in the Membership Fees for 2020 and 2021:
1. Club Meeting Morning Teas.
2. Club Bi-monthly BBQs.
As a result, the Club accumulated excess funds in the Club’s Working account.
Probus Clubs are discouraged from accumulating funds by PSPL. Hence to recompense Club
Members, the Treasurer discussed this situation at the January Committee Meeting. The Treasurer
suggested the following method of recompensing all financial Members as of the 26th March 2022.
To recompense all members equally, the Membership Fee shall be waivered for all financial
Club Members as of 26th March 2022.
The Committee members agreed that this was the fairest method of recompensing the Club
Members at the January Committee Meeting.
The joining fee payable by a prospective New Member on admission to the Club, the said New
Member joining fee will be maintained as determined in the SUBSCRIPTIONS above, that is:
SUBSCRIPTIONS Adopted: 27th March 2017

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